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Feb 12

Relationships as a Spiritual Path

Date and time

February 12 @ 18:00 - 19:00

About this event

Relationships as a Spiritual Path, hosted by Cedric Speyer and DeeAnna Nagel, in conversation with Malcolm Stern

With Valentine’s Day (and all the mixed feelings it may bring) following our February episode of Soul Portals by a couple of days, we welcome Malcolm Stern, the author of Falling in Love, Staying in Love: How to Build a Strong, Lasting Relationship. When relationship is viewed as a vehicle for soul growth individually and spiritual evolution collectively, it changes the way we approach the complex dynamics of intimate partnerships.

A spiritual relationship moves through stages of togetherness, yet at the same time it is an ongoing process of individuation. It also requires a shared vision or transcendent faith to support it, beyond the negotiation of ego needs. Taking responsibility for one’s own shadow and its projections is essential. Given enough self-awareness, trust and transparency, “There is no better guru on the planet than our partner when we have embraced the spiritual purpose of our relationship.” (Paul Ferrini)


This workshop will be recorded and you can use the ticket function to pre-purchase the recording before the event. This will be useful for colleagues who are not able to attend the event live and also for those who attend the event live and want to watch it again.


This workshop will be hosted on the Zoom meeting platform where we will use our cameras and microphones to interact with each other as a group.


The self-select fee is a radical inclusion policy to open learning for all colleagues. The guide price for this event is £20.00, however, we appreciate that income varies greatly in different locations and circumstances. Please contribute what you can to help us maintain inclusive professional training.


All the colleagues at ONLINEVENTS and the presenters we collaborate with are committed to working in a manner consistent with the BACP Ethical Framework, which can be accessed on the link below. When registering for this event you are agreeing to be present and interact in a manner that is consistent with this Framework.


Cedric M. Speyer

Cedric M. Speyer, M.A., M.Ed., RP, is an author, Registered Psychotherapist, and presently a mentor to coaches, counsellors, and therapists. He pioneered E-counselling in Canada, overseeing 100K online cases before establishing InnerView Guidance International (IGI). The vision of IGI brings together the historically separate domains of mental health and spiritual awareness in a new synthesis for the helping professions.

DeeAnna Merz Nagel

DeeAnna Merz Nagel, D.Th., LPC, LMHC, BCC, is a licensed psychotherapist and board-certified coach. DeeAnna teaches the ethical integration of alternative and psychospiritual approaches for coaches and therapists. She holds several certifications in the healing arts including Reiki and aromatherapy. DeeAnna’s doctoral studies focused on multifaith spiritual direction.

Malcolm Stern

Malcolm Stern has worked as a group and individual psychotherapist for more than 30 years. He is Co-Founder of Alternatives at St James’ Church in London and runs groups internationally. His approach involves finding where the heart is and helping individuals access their truth.

His London One Year Group is the centrepiece of his work and has been successfully operating since 1990. In it he creates an environment of trust, integrity, and community, where participants can become skilled in relationships, communication and managing difficult conversations.

Website | www.malcolmstern.com

Books | Falling in Love, Staying in Love

Slay Your Dragons With Compassion: Ten Ways to Thrive Even When It Feels Impossible

Facebook | Malcolm Stern

YouTube | Slay Your Dragons with Compassion – Malcolm Stern

LinkedIn | Malcolm Stern