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Dec 6

Relational Ethics in Private Practice – Caz Binstead & Nicholas Sarantakis

Date and time

December 6, 2024 @ 19:00 - 20:00

About this event

Relational Ethics in Psychotherapy & Counselling Private Practice: Solidarity, Compassion, Justice Book Launch

About the Book:

The book launch of Relational Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counselling Private Practice: Solidarity, Compassion, Justice, with Caz Binstead and Dr Nicholas Sarantakis

Please join us to celebrate the publication and launch of Relational Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counselling Private Practice: Solidarity, Compassion, Justice.

Due out on the 26th November (with advance purchases available via Amazon books), the book explores the ethics around everything connected with setting up and running a therapy private practice!

‘This book offers a very comprehensive, in depth and thorough exploration of the different intersecting layers that make up private practice. A text which will be of benefit to new practitioners, this book offers a wide ranging exploration of just how one can construct the private practice environment within which our work can flourish and also within which our clients can feel safe, contained, and therefore feel met. There is another layer to this book though. This book also presents some very nuanced and interesting ideas and exercises regarding how we might use the wider socially conscious environment to the benefit of our counselling and psychotherapy private practices. One of the most brilliant parts about this book is the layers of thought that have gone into the use of different models and the exercises which are attached to them. It is a book which I would recommend for practitioners to read and also for courses to add on to their reading lists, so that students and trainees towards the end of their trainings can have access to this gateway text which opens the door towards private practice.’

Dr Dwight Turner, course Leader on the Humanistic Counselling and Psychotherapy Course at the University of Brighton, PhD Supervisor at their Doctoral College, psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice.

‘This is a truly engaging and accessible book, an essential text for therapists at any stage in their private practice journey. The landscape of therapy has changed considerably in recent years, not least due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and Binstead & Sarantakis address wide ranging issues from the basics of contracting and finding our target market through to working online and the use of social media in a contemporary context. As such it is as valuable for trainee therapists and those just beginning to consider setting up in private practice as it is for practitioners such as myself who have been established for many years. Appropriately for a book about relational ethics it explores the various topics experientially, using thought-provoking case studies and exercises to prompt the reader to consider their own responses to ethical issues, rather than providing binary solutions. Solidarity, Compassion, Justice are themes throughout the book and I felt held by the authors’ commitment to those tenets. A long-overdue book in my view, one I highly recommend to anyone interested in the ethics of therapeutic work, not just those in private practice.’

Susan Utting-Simon, senior accredited counsellor, psychotherapist & supervisor in private practice, former Chair of BACP Private Practice Division

‘Neither the beautiful city of Rome nor a successful private practice can (or should) be built in a day. Both take time, skill, patience, and vision. Rome is assembled and standing strong, while Binstead and Sarantakis are here to metaphorically hold your hand as you build your private practice; chapter by chapter; brick by brick. But they don’t just want you to build, they want you to build ethically; and not just ethically, but relationally, and that’s what makes this book different from the rest. They’ve thought of everything – so you will too – and guide you every step of the way from graduation, through marketing, contracting, social media and supervision, to ending, all through a three-dimensional lens. If you’re ready to build, consider this your foundational brick.’

Jeanine Connor, psychodynamic psychotherapist in private practice and author of You’re Not My Fcking Mother’ and other things Gen Z say in therapy (PCCS, 2024), Stop Fcking Nodding’ and other things 16 year olds say in therapy (PCCS, 2022) and Reflective Practice with Children and Adolescents (Routledge, 2020)

‘Finally, a book that captures all the challenges and joys of setting up and running a successful, ethical private practice. It’s the book I wish I had when I was setting up my business. Packed full of useful tips, reflections and examples; it is a must-read for anyone embarking on, maintaining or supporting others in their private practice. Not only will it benefit those setting up their private practice, it serves as an invaluable tool for the seasoned practitioner wanting to refresh their business. Equally, for supervisors working with supervisees who are venturing into private practice, this book could help you to support them on their journey. Bravo!’

Dr Mish Seabrook, resilience coach, therapist & supervisor

The authors look forward to connecting with attendees, and chatting about working in the private practice sphere, as well as sharing excerpts from the book. Our publisher, Routledge, will also be offering a special book-launch discount.

Relational Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counselling Private Practice is part of a new series on ethics edited by Professor Lynne Gabriel and Professor Andrew Reeves, and offers a hands-on approach to realistic ethical dilemmas encountered by the private practitioner. Chapters explore the fundamentals of some of the most common ethical considerations in private practice… the book provides exercises, examples, and vignettes, in addition to the author’s own unique working model, to help the reader bring theoretical reflections into their own everyday practice. This book will help private practitioners feel more confident and grounded in their private practice and up-to-date with developing thoughts. It will also appeal to training institutes, supervisors, and students.

We look forward to seeing you there ~ Caz & Nicholas


This workshop will be hosted on the Zoom meeting platform where we will use our cameras and microphones to interact with each other as a group.


All the colleagues at ONLINEVENTS and the presenters we collaborate with are committed to working in a manner consistent with the BACP Ethical Framework, which can be accessed on the link below. When registering for this event you are agreeing to be present and interact in a manner that is consistent with this Framework.


Caz Binstead

Caz Binstead is an experienced private practitioner, supervisor, and facilitator/visiting lecturer. Specialising in the growth and maintenance of ethical and thriving practice, she was instrumental in the creation of the Private practice toolkit at the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and acted as divisional lead on the project. Caz is co-lead of the community platform #TherapistsConnect, and was creative director on their two-day conference, ‘Private practice 2021: surviving and thriving in uncertain times’. Through her extensive work in this area, Caz has helped hundreds of therapists with their private practices.

Website | www.cazbinstead.com

X | @cazbinny

Instagram | night_owl_counsellor

Facebook | TherapistsConnect Caz

LinkedIn | Caz Binstead

Nicholas Sarantakis

Dr Nicholas Sarantakis is a practising Counselling Psychologist and couple, family and group therapist in London and Milton Keynes. He is the author of several academic and professional articles in psychology and psychotherapy. He has taught at five UK universities as a Senior Lecturer and Director of Studies.

Website | www.nicholassarantakis.com