About this event
Accredited by The National Council of Psychotherapists
Level 1 – Discovering Focusing
2025 Dates: April 24th, May 1st, 8th, 15th
Time: 10am – 1pm
Price £175
Early Bird Offer: Register for Level 1 by April 1st and enjoy a fantastic £25 off the price
You will be supported by the Onlinevents team if you need help with the tech.
About Focusing
Focusing is a gentle practice that deepens self-awareness and supports self-acceptance, compassion and inner grounding. People in caring professions such as counselling and coaching often find that Focusing enhances their practice. Once you have learnt the basics you can work with many areas including physical pain, reducing stress, the inner critic, decision making, anxiety, low mood, and trauma.
The training
The online programme has been developed over several years. I hope that you will enjoy both the learning and the group experience. There are five Focusing levels which form the British Focusing Association Certificate in Focusing Skills. Each level is carefully designed to build upon previous learning and includes a combination of theory, practice and group discussion. Each time we meet you will receive downloadable ‘pages’ with PowerPoints, reading suggestions, exercises and space for your notes.
Your learning Group
Learning is in a warm, friendly and confidential setting and includes working in small groups and pairs. During the break, time is set aside for chatting and questions. You are welcome to join me, or to relax for a little longer before we continue with the next session. You will be encouraged to form Focusing partnerships for extra practice. Many people stay in their partnerships after the programme.
My contact details are available to colleagues on the training. You are welcome to get in touch if you are having any difficulties with Focusing, for questions and extra support.
Offering Focusing professionally
Once you have completed the BFA Certificate in Focusing Skills, you can apply for the professional BFA Focusing Practitioner Training. Upon qualification you can: Offer guided Focusing sessions for payment; include Focusing in your practice, for example counselling and coaching; teach Focusing one to one; Become a member of the British Focusing association.
Overview of Level one, Discovering Focusing
Level one introduces you to the practice of Focusing and Companioning. You will learn about key concepts and develop skills that support greater self-awareness and compassion. You will work with:
* The Felt-sense: A vague bodily awareness that can be strengthened and developed enabling fresh insights and meanings to emerge.
* Cultivating Self-in-Presence: Being with difficult feelings and emotions in an accepting and compassionate manner which can reduce overwhelm, stress and anxiety.
* Understanding Trauma from a Focusing perspective: Seeing how Focusing principles can be applied to trauma work.
*Experiencing the Roles of Focuser and Companion: With practice in both roles.
* Focusing language: Supporting the Focuser to connect with their inner self, and to acknowledge feelings and experiences with acceptance and gentle curiosity.
* Wholebody Focusing: Engaging in a practice that emphasis grounding and healing through movement and contact with the environment.
Benefits of the training
Developing powerful inner resources that can be enriching, healing, and supportive.
* Accessing your inner wisdom: Focusing is a process of turning your attention inward to connect with your body’s felt sense. This allows you to tap into a deeper level of knowing beyond your thoughts and emotions.
* Working with difficult feelings: Focusing provides a way to approach challenging emotions with curiosity and acceptance. You’ll learn how to create space for these feelings without judgment, allowing them to unfold and shift naturally.
* Emotional regulation: Focusing can help you develop the ability to manage difficult emotions without becoming overwhelmed.
* Developing self-compassion: Through Focusing, you can cultivate a greater sense of self-compassion and kindness.
* Greater self-acceptance: Through Focusing and Companioning, you can learn to accept all parts of yourself, including those that are challenging or uncomfortable.
*Companioning Creating a safe space: Companioning involves being present with another person in a way that supports their Focusing process. This includes listening deeply, reflecting back what you hear, and offering a non-judgmental presence.
* Supporting self-discovery: As a companion, you’ll learn how to hold space for another person’s experience without offering advice or solutions. This empowers them to access their own inner wisdom and find their own way forward.
Benefits of Focusing and Companioning
* Improved relationships: By developing your listening and presence skills, you can deepen your connections with others.
Professional Benefits
Empowering counsellors, therapists and coaches to be more present, attuned, and effective in their work. The process of attending to one’s inner felt-sense can enhance their work by:
* Deepening Self-Awareness: Focusing allows practitioners to become more attuned to their own internal experience of the client and the therapeutic relationship.
* Experiencing the Relationship: Noticing the subtle dynamics and emotional undercurrents within the therapeutic space.
* Recognizing Personal Biases: By attending to their inner reactions, practitioners can identify and address any personal biases that might be influencing their perceptions or interventions.
* Cultivating Essential Qualities: Focusing fosters self-acceptance and empathy within the practitioner. These qualities naturally extend to the client, creating a more compassionate, understanding, accepting and supportive therapeutic environment.
* Promoting Self-Regulation: Focusing provides practitioners with ways to self-regulate in challenging and emotionally demanding situations. It allows them to manage their own emotional responses and to maintain a sense of grounding.
* Enhancing Self-Care: Focusing can be viewed as a vital form of self-care. By attending to their own inner needs and processing their experiences, practitioners can prevent burnout and sustain their effectiveness and well-being.
Who will benefit from the training?
Focusing is for people who are interested in self-development and personal growth. The introductory course supports counsellors and therapists in furthering qualities that enhance their work including self-acceptance, self-awareness, and being an empathic and accepting listener. It enables greater inner stability allowing you to work safely with difficult emotions.
Do I need to have had previous experience of Focusing?
You do not need to have had any experience of Focusing to start. The course will introduce you to Focusing and Companioning, giving you a solid base.
Is it possible to Focus on your own?
Once you have learnt the basics you might like to try Focusing alone. Some people prefer this whilst others would rather work with the support of a Companion. Guided sessions with a Focusing professional are another option.
How can I continue my Focusing journey after the introductory course?
The introduction is the first of five Focusing levels which form the British Focusing Association Certificate in Focusing Skills. Each level builds upon previous learning, and includes Focusing practice, theory and discussion. Topics include Focusing with pain, the inner critic, Focusing with dreams, Focusing with trauma and bringing Focusing to your counselling practice.
We asked Paula
What Makes this Course Different?
The course will introduce you to a gentle and yet powerful practice that is beneficial both personally and professionally. Focusing puts you in touch with your own inner knowing and wisdom. There is a world-wide Focusing community. Activities include Focusing partnership schemes, learning activities, and conferences. The introduction could be your first step towards becoming involved.
Why do you Offer this Course?
A friend introduced me to Focusing. At the time I had no idea that it would become so important to me. I find Focusing enriching and very much in tune with my Person-Centred approach. My project ‘Bringing Focusing to a Counselling Supervision Group’ took place at a college counselling service over an academic year. The project demonstrated the value of Focusing for practitioners with various therapeutic perspectives. Focusing added significantly to the depth of our supervisory explorations. It is a pleasure for me to teach a practice which I find so valuable.
This workshop will be hosted on the Zoom meeting platform where we will use our cameras and microphones to interact with each other as a group.
All the colleagues at ONLINEVENTS and the presenters we collaborate with are committed to working in a manner consistent with the BACP Ethical Framework, which can be accessed on the link below. When registering for this event you are agreeing to be present and interact in a manner that is consistent with this Framework.
Paula Newman
I am a BACP Accredited Counsellor and Supervisor of Individuals and Groups, with over twenty years of therapeutic experience. I counsel individuals, couples and families and supervise experienced and trainee practitioners.
I have been Focusing for several years and am registered with the British Focusing Association as a Focusing trainer and mentor. In addition to teaching the certificate course, I teach the BFA Practitioner training and offer guided Focusing sessions.
I am excited and passionate about Focusing, counselling and supervising. I hope that the enthusiasm I experience brings life and energy to my teaching.
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Facebook | Paula Newman Counselling Services
Website | paulanewmancounsellingservices.co.uk