Tap, Heal, Thrive
This series of workshops is an introduction into tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT.
This series of experiential workshops will introduce EFT and why it is such a versatile, transformative and agile tool for emotional regulation.
During this course you will develop a comprehensive understanding of EFT principles. Learn practical techniques for emotional regulation. Explore diverse applications of EFT across various life contexts. Understand the research supporting EFT. Gain skills to apply EFT for personal use and be introduced to it in a professional context. We will use tapping to explore a specific theme each week this week using tapping to release limiting beliefs.
The workshop is suitable for practitioners and the individuals wishing to learn a tool to heal and transform their lives and their practice. EFT is amazing for personal growth and no prior experience is necessary to attend.
This workshop is suitable for those from various backgrounds, including therapists, counsellors, holistic practitioners, and coaches and those interested in personal growth.
During this course you will develop a comprehensive understanding of EFT principles.