Will Daniel-Braham has been on a quest. The title of this session ends with a question mark and Will is committed to putting the ‘quest’ into questioning as he takes us on a journey considering ‘Where does trauma start?’.
Will has lived and practised as a Christian, a Buddhist, a Wiccan, a Shaman, a Trainer and a Psychotherapist looking for ‘an answer’. Maybe the answer is in the questioning!
One stop on his journey has been to be certified as an ACEs Recovery Toolkit facilitator. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are stressful or traumatic events experienced by someone anytime between birth and the age of eighteen. They include abuse and neglect as well as household environmental dysfunction; such as being witness to domestic violence or living with members of a household that have substance misuse.
Early Adverse Childhood Experiences disrupt the development of the brain. This can lead to impairment of social, emotional and cognitive skills, and knowledge often leaving the person educationally behind and, later in life, the development of a wide range of health problems through a person’s lifespan.
Living with ACE’s results in individuals developing coping and lifestyle strategies that are based on poor parental attachment and the effects of trauma.
He hopes you leave this workshop with more questions than answers …!
Course Content
This workshop in a collaboration between the Link Centre and Onlinevents
At the Link Centre we pride ourselves in delivering high quality options tailored to needs of clients and delivered in a relaxed, comfortable yet stimulating environment in which people feel safe to learn and develop. We work with individuals, groups, organisations, and educational establishments using the depth of our psychological knowledge, to facilitate growth and development.
Our training centre is located in the heart of the countryside, in Plumpton, East Sussex. It provides a variety of training rooms, extensive parking, and disabled access, to help meet the needs of individuals attending our courses. As well as this the centre has extensive grounds that can be enjoyed during lunch and tea breaks.
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Will is a Clinical Transactional Analysis Psychotherapist and Supervisor. He has been working in private practise for more than 20 years and he also works in organisations as a trainer developing awareness around Trauma Informed Approaches.