What You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know About Working With BI+ Client – Karen Pollock

Bisexuality is often described as the invisible sexuality. Despite research showing that bi people make...

Last updated 29 August 2024
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Bisexuality is often described as the invisible sexuality. Despite research showing that bi people make up over half of the LGBT community, it’s very rare for the needs and specific issues bisexual people face to be addressed. Did you know for example that Bi women are more likely to be victms of rape and domestic violence? Or that bi people, of all genders, are more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health issue?

Many bi people report being afraid to tell professionals they are bi, for fear of judgement, stigma, or attempts to make them “choose a side”. In this presentation, we looked at some of the common issues bi people faced and explored how best to work with clients who are attracted to more than one gender.

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What You Didn't Know You Needed to Know About Working With BI+ Client – Karen Pollock


Karen Pollock

I’m a therapist and educator offering in person and online counselling based in Newcastle and Northumberland with experience of, and training in, working with gender, sexuality, and relationship diverse communities. I’m also passionate about empowering people and promoting better mental health for all. I am the Diversity and Inclusion lead for Bi Pride UK, the country’s only charity for bi+ people.