Many clients that we work with struggle with feelings of unworthiness and a reluctance to face the parts of themselves that they don’t feel comfortable with. They often battle with a fierce inner critic who constantly bullies and harasses them to do better, and calls them a loser when they can’t manage it.
If we look closely at ourselves though, don’t many of us meet the same unkind and judgemental voice in our own minds? As counsellors and therapists don’t we sometimes feel inadequate to face the problems we are being asked to help solve?
In this 6-week online course we will look deeply into this voice—often referred to as our inner critic—and explore ways of working with it. In order to go into this thoroughly, we will explore what it means to understand suffering as an unavoidable part of life. By recognising common humanity, we can see that most people struggle with the same fears of not being good enough that we do we—struggles that we can learn from and grow through.

Maureen is the founding director of Awareness in Action, an organization dedicated supporting people to make sustainable wellbeing part of their lives—through developing clarity, connection and openness.
Drawing on more than thirty years of experience as a professional educator, senior manager in a non-profit organization, an entrepreneur and as an experienced practitioner of Buddhist meditation, she leads Awareness in Action workshops and training programs in the UK and Europe.
Her new book, The Stress Workbook is a groundbreaking effort that brings together the best of modern science and the wisdom of the world’s ancient contemplative traditions into a practical manual for thriving in today’s fast-paced world. Although born in London, UK love took Maureen to Amsterdam, The Netherlands where she lives with her husband.