Radical Relational Perspectives: The Personal is Political – Karen Minikin

During this workshop we have opportunity to consider the way in which our social and...

Last updated 29 August 2024
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During this workshop we have opportunity to consider the way in which our social and political histories shape us and are part of the integrating therapeutic experience. There will be short theoretical input into radical and relational perspectives, based on the work of Steiner et al. (1975), Tudor, (2018, 2020) and Minkin, (2018, 2021 and 2023) and there will be opportunity to explore our political, cultural embodiment. How are we making use of these dynamics in the consulting room? We will consider the challenges inherent in holding our personal and political dynamics in therapeutic encounters.

Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event

  • Awareness of personal political embodiment
  • Awareness of intergenerational dynamics
  • Awareness of power dynamics in the therapeutic encounter

Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?

  • Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Supervisors

How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?

  • Learning about power, privilege, oppression in the transference

Course Content

Radical Relational Perspectives: The Personal is Political - Karen Minikin


Karen Minikin

Karen Shireen Minikin, (MSc. UKCP Reg TSTA (P)) is a psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer in private practice. She is has written a number of articles on alienation and radical perspectives in psychotherapy. She is a co-editor of two journals: “Psychotherapy and Politics International” and the “Transactional Analysis Journal.” She is currently based in West Somerset.