
Person-Centred Couples Counselling – Allan Turner & Kate Stubbings – (22/02/16)

Kate and Allan have been running Person-centred Couples Counselling training in the UK for a...

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Kate and Allan have been running Person-centred Couples Counselling training in the UK for a decade. They believe that Person-centred theory is perfect for working with couples and needs nothing added to it or taken away.

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Person-Centred Couples Counselling – Allan Turner & Kate Stubbings – (22/02/16)


Allan Turner

MBACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and Psychotherapist

I have been counselling for 40 years, and much of my work has been with couples. My two adult children have autistic traits, one mild, the other quite severe, so I had some idea of how Autism looks. I started attending workshops on the subject to learn more. I came to understand that there is a high incidence in couples presenting for counselling. I realise that this is not surprising. Inherent in Autism is a difficulty in empathy, or more accurately, difficulty with “theory of mind”. This is likely to create problems in close relationships, and I suspect this is the reason that it appears to be so prevalent when counselling couples.

For the last twelve years, I, and a colleague, have run short training courses to equip counsellors to be able to work with couples. We have included a section on Autism and the normal reaction before people start the course is to wonder why we have included it. By the end of the course, the participants say that they understand why we included it and wish that it was included in their counsellor training.

Kate Stubbings

MBACP Senior Accredited, UKRC Registered Independent Counsellor and Psychotherapist

I am a MBACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and Psychotherapist who has more than 8,000 hours of counselling and supervision experience gained with a broad range of clients which I acquired at Counselling Works, in private practice, and previously as a Primary Health Care counsellor within the NHS. In addition to work with individuals, a considerable amount of my work is with couples which is of particular interest to me as is the subject of Asperger’s Syndrome. My long experience in business meant that I was able to bring exactly the commercial and counselling mix of experience the company needed to strengthen it’s executive team when I became a director in 2004.

I’m the coordinator of the Milton Keynes Rogerian group. These meetings are for Person-Centred Counsellors and Psychotherapists who are interested in exploring theory and practice. I formed this group in 2004 to give support, networking opportunities, learning, and development to person centred counsellors/trainees.