This online workshop explores how our life and the issues that come up in therapy are intimately connected to our relationship with time.
Time is an essential element of the Universe and our lives, and has been a source of fascination for scientists, philosophers, musicians, poets and spiritual aspirants for thousands of years. However, it is easily overlooked in counselling and psychotherapy other than the specific concerns of mortality and the time frame of the therapy. The aim of this workshop is to expand awareness of how time permeates our life and the issues that arise in therapy, and to gain new perspectives of how these might be addressed by the therapist.
Course Content

Charles Gordon-Graham is an integrative counsellor, psychotherapist and supervisor, and teaches on counselling courses which he has developed, and he runs online workshops.
He is also an author whose writings have appeared in psychotherapy journals and elsewhere. His articles Time in Our Lives and Beginner’s Mind and some book reviews have appeared in Therapy Today. His article To Have a Self Or To Be a Non-Self: ‘Having’ and ‘Being’ Modes in Relation to Existential and Buddhist Understanding have appeared in Existential Analysis, and he wrote an article on crazy wisdom that appeared in Hermeneutic Circular.
Elsewhere he has written about cataclysmic variable stars (astronomy), about the music composer Jean Sibelius and the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore (about whom he has also spoken on a radio station in Luxembourg). He is currently working on a book bringing together various themes in psychotherapy and philosophy.
Fascinated by the Universe around us and the Universe within, he has interests in various fields of art and science. Moreover, he has lived in three other countries and has travelled widely in Europe, Asia and the Americas, all of which has greatly enriched his life experience. He is thus able to draw from an extensive experience in his therapy, supervision and teaching work, workshops and writing.