
Online Therapy: Working with the Body, Self-Disclosure and Fostering Depth Panel Discussion

In this exceptional panel opportunity, you’re invited to uncover insights and practical tips that delve...

Last updated 18 July 2024
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In this exceptional panel opportunity, you’re invited to uncover insights and practical tips that delve into the realm of online therapy. Discover those aspects you might not have known you didn’t know about facilitating therapy in the digital space. With the COVID-19 pandemic propelling therapists into virtual settings, the landscape of therapy underwent a seismic shift. Some therapists transitioned their entire practice online, while others found themselves conducting a mix of virtual and in-person sessions.

Amidst these changes, a common error emerged: attempting to replicate in-person therapy in an online format. However, online therapy possesses unique qualities and nuances that demand thoughtful consideration, discussion, and learning.

This panel brings together the expertise of the editors of two books on online therapy—”Advances in Online Therapy: Emergence of a New Paradigm” (2023) and “Theory and Practice of Online Therapy” (2019)— along with renowned therapist and trainer Kalanit Ben-Ari. Together, they present a unique discussion that delves into the essence of “Online Therapy: Working with the Body, Self-Disclosure & Fostering Depth.” Attendees will gain insights into practical tips, discover effective strategies, and explore the art of online therapy through a specialized lens.

The panel will be followed by a dedicated Q&A session, allowing participants to engage with the experts and discuss various aspects of the workshop’s themes. Join us to equip yourself with practical tools, elevate your online therapy practice, and navigate the unique dynamics of the digital therapeutic landscape.

Course Content

Online Therapy: Working with the Body, Self-Disclosure and Fostering Depth Panel Discussion


Adam Leighton

Adam Leighton is a counselor, group facilitator, and wilderness therapy expert. His specialisation lies in experiential therapy, where he skilfully amalgamates technology, outdoor activities, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Adam’s influence extends to academia, where he initiated and instructs the CBT-based Group Facilitation with Outdoor Experiential Work course at Ruppin Academic Center. He is the co-founder of Digi Card Therapy, a virtual therapy card platform designed for online therapeutic interventions.

Dr. Arnon Rolnick

Arnon Rolnick, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, certified as a supervisor in CBT and biofeedback. He has authored works focusing on the integration of interpersonal neurobiology with technological advancements. Arnon advises organisations on transitioning to online training and supervision. As the director of a clinic in Tel-Aviv, Israel, he plays a pivotal role in integrating diverse psychotherapeutic approaches within the clinic’s therapeutic team.

Dr. Haim Weinberg

Haim Weinberg, PhD is a clinical psychologist, certified group analyst, and group psychotherapist based in California, USA. He served as the Director of International Programs at the Professional School of Psychology, where he pioneered an online doctoral program in group psychotherapy. Haim’s involvement extends to co-editing a notable series of books on the social unconscious and authoring a book on Internet groups. He has established group therapy training across Asia and currently leads online training process groups for therapists worldwide.

Dr. Kalanit Ben-Ari

Kalanit Ben-Ari, Ph.D. is a senior psychologist, psychotherapist, and author with over 20 years of experience working with couples, individuals, and parents. With a private clinic in Hampstead, London, she is an international speaker, trainer, and supervisor of therapists. Kalanit is a member of the Faculty at the Imago International Training Institute and served as the Chair of Imago UK from 2013 to 2023. Dr. Ben-Ari’s expertise is well-recognised; she has trained thousands of therapists worldwide and is frequently featured in professional journals and the media.