Some archetypal patterns are unique to us and some we all share. The Saboteur is the one we all share. It speaks to our fear of expressing ourselves authentically and spontaneously. When we are embarking on a new path, a creative project or a program of transformation, it’s often the last guardian at the gate, ready to throw a spanner in the works. It’s a deep unconscious pattern designed to keep us safe from change, from anything new or different. This dynamic is all about fear of the next step. Join me as we explore this archetype and learn tools to help break its stranglehold on us, so that we can move forward with confidence.
Course Content

Eleanor O’Rourke is a creativity coach and author of four books on creativity, depression as unexpressed creativity, freedom and flow.
Eleanor O’Rourke is a creativity coach and author of four books on creativity, depression as unexpressed creativity, freedom and flow.
Eleanor trained in a variety of modalities including NLP, Psychology of Vision, Shamanic practice and is a certified archetype consultant trained by Caroline Myss.