
Is it Still Okay to be Gay? workshop with Del Beach-Campbell

Del will look at what life is like for gay and bisexual men today. Are...

Last updated 16 July 2024
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Del will look at what life is like for gay and bisexual men today. Are we living in a liberated and inclusive society where it is easy to be open about your sexuality, or is homophobia still flourishing? If gay and bisexual men are still being targeted for their sexuality what might be the impact on their mental health and well-being. Del will examine the impact of homophobia, domestic violence, sexual violence, isolation, drug use, discrimination, visibility, the role of media and coming out to friends, family and society.

Course Content

Is it Still Okay to be Gay? - Del Beach-Campbell


Del Beach-Campbell

Del has over twenty years’ experience working with marginalised and heavily stigmatised groups including LGBTQIA+, people involved in Chemsex and substance misuse, male survivors of sexual violence and domestic abuse, people living with HIV, and those involved in the sex industry. He has developed and delivered services for the NHS, Terrence Higgins Trust, National Ugly Mugs and SurvivorsUK where he is still the Senior Facilitator in their groupwork programme and runs the Surviving Chemsex group. He is the founder of Delversity and the Chair of The Josephine Butler Society.