
Introducing Confluence Circles Workshop with Linda Butler and Stuart Hillston

In this session, Stuart & Linda will share their personal journey from the first meeting,...

Last updated 3 May 2024
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In this session, Stuart & Linda will share their personal journey from the first meeting, to developing the idea and then inviting other people to join the circles.

Course Content

Introducing Confluence Circles Workshop with Linda Butler and Stuart Hillston


Linda Butler

Linda Butler is an experienced personal development and careers consultant who specialises in coaching, coaching supervision and training. Linda empowers people to personally develop and manage their careers effectively. She currently works with managers, MBAs, PHDs and many executives in the corporate and public sector to enhance their career and personal skills.

Stuart Hillston

Stuart Hillston is a psychotherapist, counsellor, coach and supervisor. He has been a software entrepreneur, professional investor and a mentor to early-stage entrepreneurs. His clients today are managers and leaders in high-growth companies around the world.

Stuart is also an experienced trainer and facilitator, developing and delivering training solutions for management and leadership development; sales skills; presentation skills; negotiation skills; and interpersonal communication.