This workshop helps children to develop trust, self-confidence, authenticity and resilience. It is particularly helpful in this moment in time.
It is a wonderful resource for people working with children in areas such as therapy, teaching, counseling, parents, daycare or anyone in the medical or mental health profession.
The workshop will demonstrate how to work with children in different cultures around the world.
We believe that the children have the qualities of trust, empathy, acceptance and authenticity from the time that they are born. With nurturing and support they can bring these qualities out and express and keep them as they grow. When children can express these qualities they have high self-confidence and are resilient. Our work focuses on the deep respect for a child and the child’s wisdom.
Learning Objectives to expect from this workshop
- Participants will learn how to bring out and nurture trust, authenticity, empathy and acceptance with children
- Participants to learn how to be facilitators when relating to children
- Participants will discover how it feels to be a child
This workshop is appropriate for
- This workshop is appropriate for anyone who is in the world with children
How can this workshop impact your practice?
- This workshop will give ways of helping children to express themselves through words, art and puppets.
Course Content

Barbara Williams, MSW, ACSW and Heather Williams, BSW have presented their workshops in Italy and France for more than 20 years. They have an international audience including Europe, Asia and South America. Much of their work, both theoretical and practical, has been inspired and guided my a long professional association with the Navajo Nation, where they have presented their workshop for many decades. They are staff members of the Person Centered Institute of Italy, the Person Centered Institute of France and a member and presenter of the Center for Studies of the Person in California. Their work has been approved by the Italian Minister of Education. Their book, Wisdom of Children, has been translated into Italian and published in Italy. Their work has been recommended by Carl Rogers, PhD and Virginia Satir, ACSW.