In our modern society, our language has developed in ways which do not lead us to express ourselves in a compassionate way to each other, and to ourselves. We have learned to subjugate, repress and conceal our feelings from ourselves and others, because to show emotion is perceived as somehow “wrong”; and therefore, because we do not show emotion to one another, our feelings are not validated, so we question our own feelings and experiences and do not give ourselves permission to feel whatever we are feeling.
Effective, empathic and non-judgemental communication remains at the heart of our work, whatever our profession. Mindful Communication can help us deepen our own self-awareness and self-compassion in order to recognise and express our own feelings and needs, and to hear the underlying unmet needs of others, often expressed in unuseful ways, such as anger, aggression or emotional manipulation.
When we don’t value our own needs, then others may not do so, either, which will lead us to feel angry. Until we can recognise and acknowledge our feelings, we cannot discover the unmet need that lies behind the feeling.
This workshop introduces Marshall Rosenberg’s modality of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), also known as Compassionate or Mindful Communication, and the work of Oren Jay Sofer as well as other psychotherapeutic models. We will explore how we express ourselves and how we hear others – how we can increase our ability to create meaningful connections, both with others and with ourselves, even in disagreement, and how we can empower others to do the same within their own relationships.
Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event
- To introduce some of the concepts of the therapeutic modality of Mindful or Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
- To discover, through experiential learning and practise, how aspects of NVC can be invaluable in your own life and work.
- To learn the value of NVC for developing our own self-awareness and reflexivity.
Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?
- Coaches, Therapists and anyone interested in developing their own self-awareness and developing their communication skills.
How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?
- To listen beyond the fears and defence mechanisms of a client in order to hear the needs behind the story.
Course Content

Joanna is a UKCP Accredited Neuro-Linguistic Psychotherapist, Wellbeing Coach, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Clinical Supervisor and Trainer. She is an Accredited Member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and a Fellow Member of the Association for Coaching (AC).
Joanna lives in the UK in rural North Yorkshire with her dentist husband and their four dogs, who feature as “The Canine Members of Staff” in her blog, The Teachings of Dog. She is an international speaker and has had articles published in a number of dental and veterinary publications on the subject of stress and burnout.