
Exploring The Collaborative Research Data Base – Sophia Balamoutsou & Brian Rodgers

Exploring The Collaborative Research Data Base – Sophia Balamoutsou & Brian Rodgers

Last updated 12 July 2024

Exploring The Collaborative Research Data Base – Sophia Balamoutsou & Brian Rodgers

Course Content

Exploring The Collaborative Research Data Base - Sophia Balamoutsou & Brian Rodgers


Brian Rodgers

Senior lecturer and programme director for the counsellor education programmes at the University of Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand will be presenting on research into practice strand, exploring the development of a collaborative research database, titled: “How can we cultivate a collaborative and open sharing about how we conduct research?”

Sophia Balamoutsou, PhD

MBACP Accredited counsellor/psychotherapist, lecturer at the Institute for Counselling and Psychological Studies, Athens, Greece