Who does Rejection belong to? Does it belong with you or the other person? Join us as we explore Rejection and how it shows up in our lives and experience a creative technique to help you, and clients, move away from this unhelpful feeling.
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Christina trained as a humanistic psychologist and counsellor in the early 1980′s and then went on to develop skills in Art Therapy and sand play, and became a NLP Trainer, hypnotherapist and a Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling Practitioner. Christina brings a deep understanding of the structure of clients thinking and over 35 years’ experience to the ChrisLin Method. She has worked as a counsellor, personal coach, team consultant and executive development coach and today she is a Coach Supervisor, Executive and Leadership coach and works with individuals using her unique 2-day Chrysalis process.

Lindsey found her real calling and moved from a career in the Tech sector in Sales and HR to qualify as an NLP practitioner, trained in many approaches including Clean Language, Transactional Analysis, CBT and Motivational Interviewing and is CIPD qualified. Her work is highly influenced by Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine and Stephen Porges and she brings her knowledge of systemic processes and coaching skills to co-develop the creative interventions of the ChrisLin Methods. Today she works with corporate and private clients who are at a significant crossroads in their lives, including those who are Neurodiverse.
Christina and Lindsey are co-authors of The ChrisLin Method, 5 Steps for Working with Imagery and Metaphor.