Dancing with Death: Stories and Creativity to Talk about Death and Connect with Life with Jennifer Ramsay

In the beginning of time, we listened to stories around the ancestral fire, and these...

Last updated 5 August 2024
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In the beginning of time, we listened to stories around the ancestral fire, and these stories helped us to make sense of the world around us. They helped us connect with ourselves, our clan, and the mysteries of life and death. In this interactive workshop, we will journey deep into the world of story to meet Death and get to know her better. By using a story, a safe distance is created enabling us to talk about the taboo subject of Death, in a natural way. So, when Death does appear in our lives, the situation may be easier to deal with. We will use tools from the Story Arte creative toolbox, like Gestalt therapy and different expressive arts therapies, so please have some paper and coloured pencils or crayons available.

This workshop is experiential, and participants will be invited to engage actively in the activities. Stories have probably been with us since the very beginning of humanity, accompanying us through dark times of war and plague and loss and grief and they are here to help us now.

Course Content

Dancing with Death: Stories and Creativity to Talk about Death and Connect with Life with Jennifer Ramsay


Jennifer Ramsay

Jennifer Ramsay is a professional storyteller. She has told stories in more than 2,000 events and trained hundreds of people in the ancestral art of storytelling. She works with story medicine in private practice and as a group facilitator in unique workshops, weaving stories into Nature Based Art Therapy, Gestalt therapy, Symbolic Psychodrama and Embodiment work.

She has a degree in Biological Sciences and is part of the global network of Earth Storytellers. The rhythms of nature are very present as she incorporates the Celtic wheel of the year and the lunar cycles into her work.

She is the founder of Story Arte, a centre for Art Therapy and Storytelling in the village where she lives, in the foothills near Madrid.