As therapists we are beginning to see more clients coming into therapy having experienced many years of difficulties with social interaction and communication, as well as problems sustaining relationships and employment. This can contribute to a history of poor mental health and result in complex post traumatic stress, but do we ever consider that these clients may be autistic.
Workshop Details
Autism is regularly misdiagnosed as childhood trauma, emotionally unstable personality disorder or and mistaken for other mental health conditions. It is important that as practitioners we develop a good understanding of autism so that we are more able to recognise when a client may be on the autistic spectrum. The workshop will explain what autism is and its presentation and how it links with co-associated conditions. We will share case studies and offer some strategies for working with this client group. This is an interactive workshop in which the presenters will encourage participation and questions.
If you are interested in further training following the workshop, please visit Aspire’s website:
Deborah Wortman and Ruth Williams
Deborah Wortman and Ruth Williams are both Psychotherapists with private practices in West Yorkshire. They have considerable personal and professional experience of working with autistic people. They are the founders of Aspire Autism Consultancy, providing training, therapy, supervision and consultancy for professionals working with autistic clients.
Course Content

This workshop in a collaboration between the Link Centre and Onlinevents
At the Link Centre we pride ourselves in delivering high quality options tailored to needs of clients and delivered in a relaxed, comfortable yet stimulating environment in which people feel safe to learn and develop. We work with individuals, groups, organisations, and educational establishments using the depth of our psychological knowledge, to facilitate growth and development.
Our training centre is located in the heart of the countryside, in Plumpton, East Sussex. It provides a variety of training rooms, extensive parking, and disabled access, to help meet the needs of individuals attending our courses. As well as this the centre has extensive grounds that can be enjoyed during lunch and tea breaks.
We also offer in-house coaching, training and consultancy that is tailored to the needs of our customers.
Our trainers and consultants are all fully qualified, experienced, skilled and accredited to both national and international level.
For more information about The Link Centre Visit