This session will be drawing on content from the newly published book on the practical application of appreciative inquiry in health & care settings- it is full of real life examples of using appreciative inquiry.
Joan wilmot and Robin Shohet made some profound contributions to the book, including sharing their ‘Four Lenses’ approach, and this will be a chance to dip into those and see how they can be used in supervision and in other settings.
This blog gives you more information on the content of the book
Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event
- learn more about appreciative supervision and experience it in the session
- learn about using appreciative inquiry in the workplace
- practice applying the four Lenses
Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?
- people interested in supervision, and anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of using appreciative inquiry
How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?
- you will go away with immediate ways you can use this at home or at work.
Additional Resources:
Course Content

Appreciating People started in Liverpool over ten years ago and now works regionally, nationally and internationally, recognised as AI experts in the community and public sectors. Appreciative Inquiry (AI) lies at the heart of all our work, which helps businesses, communities and the people within them become more resilient, effective and creative……. [Read more … clcik on the webaite link]

Joan co-founded CSTD in 1979 and works as a trainer, supervisor, psychotherapist and mediator. Her particular interest is in working with systems and using organisational and family constellations work. She has been running supervision training and working with teams, in particular in the NHS and voluntary sector, for over 40 years. Her passion is in enabling people to find the work they love and love the work they do. She is an active member of Playback Theatre and co-author of “The Boxing Clever Cookbook” (2002).

Suzanne Quinney & Tim slack are two of the authors of Appreciating Health and Care – a practical Appreciative Inquiry resource for the Health and Social Care Sector. They are co founders of AppreciatingPeople and live in NE Scotland.