2 Lessons
The Essential Soul Care: Exploring Conversations with the Divine Workshop with DeeAnna Nagel and Madison Akridge
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2 Lessons
Groups: Leading, Facilitating, and Non-Directivity Workshop with Beverley Costa and John Wilson
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2 Lessons
Better Working with Autistic and Neurodivergent People using the Autism Dialogue Approach Workshop with Jonny Drury and Kate Salinsky
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2 Lessons
Play as Primer [in the Therapeutic Encounter] Workshop with Dr. Francesca Bernardi
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2 Lessons
Body Wisdom: What Is It and How Can Breathwork Help Clients Connect to It? Workshop with John Paul Mason
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2 Lessons
Supervision Training: Working Within a Coherent Theoretical Framework Workshop with Jo Birch
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2 Lessons
Person-Centred Therapy in the 21st Century: The Myth of the Nodding Dog Workshop with Sheila Haugh
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2 Lessons
From War-Torn Roots to Healing Minds: Emmy van Deurzen’s Journey of Wisdom, Vulnerability, and Transformation
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