2 Lessons
Lessons from Prisons and Its Relevance to All of Us Workshop with Geoff Hopping
I spent eight years working on a therapeutic wing in a high security prison. I […]
2 Lessons
Working with Hopelessness and Powerlessness Workshop with Geoff Hopping
I have been working as a UKCP Registered Psychotherapists, Supervisor and Trainer for over 30 […]
2 Lessons
Spirituality in the Therapy Room and Beyond Workshop with Geoff Hopping & Jane Tillier
At the origins of Transactional Analysis (and indeed many other forms of psychotherapy) there is […]
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HOPE (or lack of it) in the Therapy Room workshop with Geoff Hopping and Jane Tillier
How do we deal with hope and hopelessness in the therapy room? Often, we talk […]
2 Lessons
Jung and TA Workshop with Geoff Hopping
Carl Jung was one of the twentieth centuries greatest thinkers. Many of his ideas have […]