2 Lessons
Working Creatively with Fairy Tales: Little Mermaid Workshop with Jennifer Ramsay
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2 Lessons
Working Creatively with Fairy Tales: Blue Beard Workshop with Jennifer Ramsay
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2 Lessons
Creativity as a Therapeutic Technique: Working with the Drama Triangle Workshop with Lindsey Wheeler and Christina Bachini
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2 Lessons
Inner Child: A Creative Approach using the ChrisLin Method Workshop with Christina Bachini and Lindsey Wheeler
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2 Lessons
The Six-Part Story Method (6PSM) Workshop with Jennifer Ramsay
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2 Lessons
Exploring Rejection with Creative Techniques Workshop with Lindsey Wheeler and Christina Bachini
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2 Lessons
Working Creatively with Fairy Tales: Cinderella Workshop with Jennifer Ramsay
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2 Lessons
A Creative Approach to CONFIDENCE for Coaches and Counsellors Workshop with Sharon Baker and Lucy Hare
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2 Lessons
Creative Techniques for Working with Transgenerational Trauma Workshop with Ani de la Prida
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