2 Lessons
Shame, Sex, and the Body workshop with Juliet Grayson and William Ayot
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3 Lessons
Pesso Boyden Psychotherapy: Body Based Solutions Provide the Deepest Healing – Juliet Grayson
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3 Lessons
The Overweight Mind and Body: A Psychological Understanding – Kathy Leach
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2 Lessons
Becoming Whole Again: Skills for Bringing the Body into Your Work Workshop with Kate Williams
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2 Lessons
Vagal Toning for Therapy(ists): Posture, Poses and Body Talk for Vagal Toning Workshop series with Andrea Davies
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4 Lessons
The Body Speaks It’s Mind: Pesso Boyden Healing Workshop with Sandy Cotter
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2 Lessons
The Power of Breath and Bodywork for Pain and Physical Illness Workshop with Kate Williams
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2 Lessons
Somatic Resources Part 2: Safe & Ethical Practice for Working with the Body Workshop with Kate Williams
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