2 Lessons
Working with Anxiety Course Part 2: The Traumatised Inner Child (and Other Anxiety Causing Nasties!) Workshop Series with Jenny Hartill
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2 Lessons
Harnessing Stress and Anxiety Workshop with Val Mullally & Elizabeth Garry Brosnan
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2 Lessons
Using Bibliotherapy for Wellbeing to Address Feelings of Anxiety Workshop with Nicole Moody
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2 Lessons
Working with Anxiety Course Part 1: The Bear and The Cave Workshop Series with Jenny Hartill
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2 Lessons
Choir of Brave Voices: Mastering ‘No’: Guiding Clients Toward Rest and Renewal Workshop with Gillian Walter and Shirley Smith
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2 Lessons
Choir of Brave Voices: Finding the Inner Child: A Playful Approach to Client Growth Workshop with Gillian Walter and Shirley Smith
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2 Lessons
The Crash Course in Coping: Over 20 Coping Techniques to Use with Clients, and How to Create Your Own! Workshop with Jenny Hartill
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2 Lessons
Choir of Brave Voices: Confronting Uncertainty: Creative Tools for Anxious Clients Workshop with Gillian Walter and Shirley Smith
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2 Lessons
Working Creatively with Anxiety: A Creative Approach using the ChrisLin Method Workshop with Christina Bachini and Lindsey Wheeler
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