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Disenfranchised Grief and The Abuse of Power by Government Ministers During The Covid Pandemic Professor Lynne Gabriel & Dr John Wilson
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The World that I knew had Gone: The Impact of Father-Loss on Women Bereaved as Adolescents with Inge Nieuwstraten
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Disenfranchised Grief: The Grief That Does Not Speak with Sally Pendreigh
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When Unfinished Business Gets in the Way with Leila Frondigoun & Sandra Grieve
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The Cosmic Shrug: Somatic Approaches to Overwhelming Emotion with Michael Gavin
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Dancing with Death: Stories and Creativity to Talk about Death and Connect with Life with Jennifer Ramsay
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Curating Grief: Making Sense of Courage and Loss with Dr Francesca Bernardi
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Intersection of Mental Illness, Sexual Identity, Neurodivergent Traits and Ethnocultural Background
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