Working With Trauma in Conditions of Violence and Grief: The Importance of Non-Directivity – Alexandros Vallides & Prof Maria Kefalopoulou, PhD.

Kierkegaard’s concept of repetition and trauma related to violence: Why is non-directivity so important?

Last updated 16 May 2024

Kierkegaard’s concept of repetition and trauma related to violence: Why is non-directivity so important?

Course Content

Working With Trauma in Conditions of Violence and Grief: The Importance of Non-Directivity - Alexandros Vallides & Prof Maria Kefalopoulou, PhD.


Alexandros Vallides

Alexandros Vallides is a Psychologist (BSc Panteion University), PCA psychotherapist (MSc, Strathclyde University), grief Counselor, lecturer, trainer and Supervisor at ICPS- College for Humanistic Sciences, Athens, Greece. He is a member of the Counceling Service for bereaved families in Merimna NGO in Greece. General representative of PCE Europe in EAP.

Prof. Maria Kefalopoulou, PhD

Maria Kefalopoulou (PhD, ECP) has studied Social Psychology in France (Paris-Χ-Νanterre, Paris-VII-Denis Diderot) and she is Academic Lead in Counselling and Psychotherapy at ICPS- College for Humanistic Sciences, Athens, Greece. She is member of the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP), member of the WAPCEPC and Co-Editor of the PCEP Journal.