
The Dyslexic Person and Professional – Ross Duncan and Tracy Clark

The Dyslexic Person & Professional: Ross Duncan talks to Tracy Clark in the first of...

Last updated 3 May 2024

The Dyslexic Person & Professional: Ross Duncan talks to Tracy Clark in the first of a series of discussions on Dyslexia

Course Content

The Dyslexic Person and Professional – Ross Duncan and Tracy Clark


Ross Duncan

Ross Duncan through his own sheer grit and determination, has become a national and international freelance writer and has been recognised for his work. Often highlighting and showcasing things attributed to neurodiversity by interviewing several recognised individuals, he has taken great strides to raise awareness and develop understanding.

To achieve this success was never going to be easy for Ross as he only discovered late on the reason for his lack of achievements in academia was not down to the lack of trying, more so was the fact in his early 40s he discovered that he was in fact dyslexic. He uses these life experiences to the best effect.

With new vigour and purpose in his life, Ross was soon to be better known as the International Ambassador for Dyslexia.

Tracy Clark

As a private practioner of many years, I have had the privilge of working and supporting the neurodiverse community, mainly autism, aspergers and dyslexia. My clients range from indivduals, couples and young people, I am PCT trained however I have used various modalities and creative ways within my clinical practice to meet the client’s needs when required.

I have been assessed over the years for an intellectual learning disability, called Dyslexia. My personal experience of being dyslexic has been very mixed over the years, however I find that as a visual learner I can incorporate my expereince of dyslexia into my clinical pratice.

Doodling is part of my self care routine and I believe that anyone can doodle. So please grab some paper a pencil and come along and have some downtime. I’m telling you this workshop is the quietest, most calming one you might attend, plus you get to have some fun with others.