Bereavement has not been seen as within the remit of coaching. Julia Menaul along with co-author Magge Joao debunk this myth in their recently published book “Coaching and Supervising Through Bereavement: A Practical Guide to Working with Grief and Loss”.
As well as death, many other different types of loss can show up in the coaching room including relationship issues, divorce, health problems, empty nest syndrome, and menopause to name but a few.
Loss of a job is probably the number one loss handled by coaches and for some coaches, it is their niche area, often called outplacement coaching, career transition, or retirement planning.
Workshop Details
This workshop will look at the psychological dimensions of job loss and is especially useful for coaches who are dealing with clients who have reacted with a great deal of emotion to being fired and/or made redundant.
It will examine how unfinished business from previous endings in work and life, “there and then”, can be triggered in the “here and now”.
The workshop will also pick up the role of the employer, for better or worse, and how a coach can influence a positive exit for their client.
It will be interactive using break-out rooms for discussion and the use of a case study.
Learning Objective Participants Can Expect From This Event:
- Use the Bereavement Curve to facilitate a more transformational conversation around job loss with a coaches
- Gain confidence in handling the topic of bereavement in a coaching context
- Identify ways to support clients to manage a job exit well irrespective of how a company handles an ending.
Who is This Workshop Appropriate For?
- All levels of coach (internal and external) and coaching supervisors
How May This Workshop Impact Your Practice?
- Particpants will gain a greater appreciation of the psyhological dimension of losing job
Course Content

Julia Menaul, has been running her own practice, Spark Coaching and Training, since 2001. Julia is an Accredited Master Executive Coach (Association for Coaching), a Member of the British Psychological Society, and an ex- Board Director for the Association of Coaching Supervisors. As a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, she was Training and Development Manager within areas as diverse as retail, charity, electronics, and the criminal justice system. Supervising coaches since 2006 and supervising other supervisors since 2010, she works with many independent coaches (1 -1 and group), as well as internal coaches in larger organisations. She is a published author and as well as her Bereavement book for coaches, she writes e-books for Book Boon. Her latest e-book is “The Coaches Guide to the Drama Triangle” and she is currently writing “Happiness at Work” for them.
Julia is based in the West Midlands, UK.