This workshop is based on Peter’s latest book, Beauty in Leadership and Coaching: And its Role in Transforming Human Consciousness, which will be published by Routledge on December 3rd.
This book starts with the great challenges of our time—from the climate crisis to global inequality to increasing mental distress and illness—and shows how the bigger challenge is that they are all interconnected. At root, they are all symptoms of the failure to evolve human consciousness at the same rate that we humans have changed the world around us. The book then explores how beauty can be a guide to move beyond the prism of our left-hemisphere, atomistic, and mechanistic thinking to a relational and ecosystemic participatory consciousness.
The book presents a new paradigm for both leadership and coaching, along with practical tools and examples of how to apply them. In the workshop, Peter—who has also trained several thousand counsellors, psychotherapists, and supervisors, and was the founder of the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling, as well as the co-founder of the Centre for Supervision Training and Development—will show how these approaches are relevant to all who are working in the fields of transforming human consciousness. The workshop will be practical and will include the opportunity to try out the practices in small break-out groups.
Course Content

Professor Peter Hawkins is chairman of Renewal Associates, and Director of Centre for Supervision Training and Development and founder of the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling. He is a leading author, writer and researcher in leadership and leadership development, and a thought leader in executive coaching, team coaching and coaching supervision. Over the last 45 years he has worked with leading companies in many parts of the world, co-designing and facilitating major change and organisational transformation projects, as well as coaching boards and leadership teams in commercial and finance companies, the public sector, higher education and third sector organisations. He also teaches coaching supervision and systemic team coaching in over 100 countries. He has authored or co-authored 20 books, the latest being “Beauty in Leadership and Coaching: and its role in transforming human consciousness.” published by Routledge.