You probably already know that we can’t control what happens to us, we can only control how we respond to what happens to us. But are you also aware that culture shapes how we think about our options for responding to what happens to us?
In this workshop, we’ll look at some of the blind spots prevalent in individualistic cultures regarding collective experiences, often leading us to default to individualistic solutions even when facing collective challenges.
We’ll also explore a framework for differentiating between various types of collective change and the corresponding collective actions required for each. This is meant to foster clarity about how you can realistically contribute to your desired changes. Moreover, if you’ve ever felt disillusioned by the outcomes, or lack thereof, of previous collective endeavours, I hope this framework will help you with getting closure.
We’ll conclude with an overview of the personal resources that can sustain our engagement in collective actions, so that we don’t overextend and exhaust ourselves while striving towards the greater good.
The information shared will be based on my knowledge of social and intercultural psychology, history, and psychotherapy, with examples from real life stories that have inspired me.
Course Content

I am an internationally qualified psychotherapist (Certified Transactional Analyst), with 10 years experience of working in private practice and 15 years experience of various types of volunteer work in 3 different organisations. Passionate about both individual and collective well-being, I keep learning about these two wide topics and exploring ways to address them both in my professional and in my personal life.