Foundation Certificate in The Application of The Polyvagal Theory in Counselling & Psychotherapy Workshop Series
Co-regulate or Die!
This is the fifth part of an eight-part workshop series.
In this workshop we will set the scene for why co-regulation is so important for social species – our survival depends on it. We will look at the cues that our nervous system detects in evaluating the safety or danger of others and how it responds to that evaluation. We will look at the role of co-regulation in how the nervous system learns to regulate itself and the importance of this in developing the capacity as adults for impulse control and regulating our emotions.
By completing this workshop, you are taking a significant step towards fulfilling the entry requirements for the Advanced Certificate in the Application of the Polyvagal Theory in Counselling & Psychotherapy. This essential course, offered by Temenos Education, is available on a ‘Pay What You Can’ basis. For more details, visit:
Course Content

Maggi McAllister-MacGregor has been a practicing Counsellor/Psychotherapist for 20 years and works from a body-based perspective mainly with trauma, anxiety and stress.
Her work is grounded in the Polyvagal Theory which has allowed her to develop her work to encompass both the body and the psyche, and this allows her to integrate her previous work as a body therapist into her current work with clients.
Maggi is also a professional dog trainer where she has applied her understanding of the Polyvagal Theory in dog training to understand dog’s behaviour and help owners understand what is happening in the relationship with their dogs.