2 Lessons

Relation of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness to Change & Transformation Workshop with Lewis Mehl-Madrona & Barbara Mainguy

Why are people drawn to experiences like ceremonies, trance dancing, drumming, hypnosis, and even psychedelics? […]
2 Lessons

Decolonizing Diagnosis: Turning Nouns into Verbs Workshop with Lewis Mehl-Madrona

In contemporary medical and psychological practice, diagnoses are “things” that are conferred on people. They […]
2 Lessons

Does Borderline Personality Really Exist? Workshop with Lewis Mehl-Madrona

One of the more objectionable and emotion-filled diagnoses that exist in the mental health field […]
2 Lessons

Therapeutic Stories: Transmitting the Values of Altruism and Concern for Others Workshop with Lewis Mehl-Madrona

We are exploring stories that are used for healing and stories can be used therapeutically […]