2 Lessons

‘As-If’ Personality: Imposter Syndrome and Illusions in the Mirror Workshop with Susan Schwartz

The ‘as-if’ person faces a conundrum whether to hide or expose the truth of who […]
3 Lessons

Self-Esteem and Imposter Syndrome – Kevin Guthrie

A deeper look at low self esteem and imposter syndrome.
2 Lessons

You’re OK, I’m Pretend-OK: Working with Imposter Syndrome Using a TA Lens Workshop with Jon Skelton Pearson

The term ‘Imposter Syndrome’ (IS) refers to the belief that I am impersonating a skilful […]
2 Lessons

Imposter Syndrome Workshop with Andrea Rippon

This workshop will cover the Myths, the Realities and the Research. We’ll look at how […]
2 Lessons

Imposter Syndrome and How to Combat It workshop with Kajal Kumar

This workshop will look at what is Imposter Syndrome. How does it develop? How does […]