2 Lessons

Adult ADHD: Therapeutic Themes and Interventions Workshop with Cheryl Leong

How does an ADHDer heal from ableist harm and navigate a world that was not […]
2 Lessons

Unmasking ADHD: Addressing Impasses, Cathecting the Natural Child Workshop with Cheryl Y. Leong and Romy Graichen

Masking’ is an adapted set of intrapsychic, socio-behavioral and relational patterns that hide or minimize […]
2 Lessons

Emotional Scripts Workshop with Cheryl Leong

Combining the Script theory of Eric Berne/Early TA Theorists and the meta-emotion couples research by […]
2 Lessons

Celebrate Neurodiversity: De-Pathologising for Collective Empowerment workshop with Cheryl Yi Mei Leong ,Kate Jones, and Romy Graichen

This workshop features three very proud neurodistinct therapists who believe in the power/strength of this […]
2 Lessons

The Inclusive Encounter (I+U+Planet+) – Cheryl Leong

This talk analyzes global systemic oppression through the lens of Fanita English’s ideas of ‘Survival […]
3 Lessons

Honoring The DaVinci Within: A TA Approach To Working w/ Adults Living with ADHD Workshop with Cheryl Leong

A brief understanding and critique of current ADHD assessment & diagnosis will be offered, followed […]